
En+ Group Leads Aluminium Industry Towards Achieving Carbon Reduction Targets

ESG news


september, 2019

30 September 2019 — EN+ GROUP IPJSC (the “Company”, “the Group” or “En+ Group”), (LSE: ENPL; MOEX: ENPL) the world’s largest producer of low-carbon aluminium, used the occasion of United Nations Climate Week to engage energy and environment stakeholders across the private, public and civic sectors in discussion about carbon reduction.

Coinciding with the UN Climate Action Summit, Executive Chairman of En+ Group Lord Barker of Battle, called on the London Metal Exchange (LME) to require aluminium producers to disclose carbon emissions. In the Financial Times, he wrote: “The industry needs to stop dragging its heels and embrace the transparency and disclosure of the carbon footprint of the metals as the first step towards fully pricing carbon pollution and creating a truly low-carbon economy.” 

During Climate Week En+ and Citi (NYSE: C) co-hosted a panel asking the question: “Climate Emergency: Will Investors Step Up?” The discussion addressed crucial questions about the role of investors in moving the private sector towards a net-zero-carbon economy. 

En+ Group’s newly instituted Environmental Advisory Board (EAB) also convened and prioritized near- and long-term sustainability goals to advance the company’s mission to produce low-carbon aluminium. 

In addition, En+ Group took part in the UN Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition roundtable, where Lord Barker shared his vision with government and NGO leaders.

“There is a groundswell of corporations finally stepping up to be a part of the energy transition, and I am encouraged by what I have seen this week in New York,” said Lord Barker. “Building on the momentum of the Climate Action Summit, En+ Group will continue to push for carbon transparency with the support of industry participants, and our customers, investors, and partners.” 

Earlier, En+ announced its commitment to Business Ambition for 1.5ºC, a group of 87 major companies whose intention is to reach science-based emission reduction targets (SBTi) in order to limit global temperature rise to 1.5ºC.

More information on En+ Group’s sustainability goals can be found here.

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