
Health and safety

HSE outdoor

Safety is our core value and at the heart of performance across En+ Group. We value our employees and contractors and appreciate their contribution to the Group’s business, which is why we proclaim safety of operations as our highest priority. Being one of the leading energy and metals companies in Russia, En+ Group is aware of the nature and degree of impacts of its activities and feels it obliged to create and maintain a safe working environment for employees, contractors and partners, chasing the target of zero injuries. We perfectly understand that we achieve nothing if we do not do it safely.

The Group takes a proactive and structured approach to managing health and safety (H&S), focusing on the ongoing improvement of the corporate health and safety management system, built on the best global practices and development of corporate safety culture. Health and safety issues permeate every business process, every single operation at every production facility.

Key figures for 2023

Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR)


per 1 million man-hours worked

The Group's expenses for the implementation of occupational safety and health measures


bn rubles

Reduction in work-related injuries


compared to 2022

Key programmes

Occupational health and safety management system

The Occupational health and safety management system (OHSMS) is designed in accordance with OHSAS18001:2007 and ISO 45001:2018, which serves as the basis for the Group’s internal safety rules, regulations, procedures, and practices. To foster our safety leadership and culture the HSE Committee of the Board of Directors that was established in 2019. The remit of this deliberative body involves considering all strategic H&S issues and preliminary consideration of the issues concerning to proper operation of OHSMS. En+ Group requires all workers and managers to not conceal or misrepresent the circumstances of H&S violations as the people’s lives are at stake. With the purpose of engaging our leaders in H&S processes, a number of KPIs in terms of health and safety have been introduced at En+ Group.

Occupational health and safety management system

HSE Culture

En+ Group strives to create a proactive, strong, and reliable safety culture, instilling and aligning good safety behaviours.

Health, Occupational, Industrial and Fire Safety Policy stipulates the work suspension regulation that not simply enables but obliges employees to intervene and put a stop to work that appears unsafe. No employee should suffer retribution or negative feedback for using their work suspension authority.

HSE Culture

Health and safety trainings

The Group pays special attention to improving the knowledge, skills and competencies of its employees and contractor personnel. A special procedure for conducting training has been developed at each Group’s facility as one of the key OHSMS elements, describing the approach for education at the facility. En+ Group is committed to meeting all regulatory requirements and to this end regularly provides all employees with all mandatory trainings prescribed by the law. All our employees and site visitors are obliged to undergo an introductory briefing and all relevant employees regularly receive initial, refresher, unscheduled, and ad hoc briefings as well as safety briefings for new joiners.

 Health and safety trainings

Health protection

En+ Group traditionally pays great attention to employee health protection. All employees of the Group are provided with a voluntary medical insurance policy or the opportunity to be assisted for free by corporate medical centres. All the Group’s facilities have special medical posts to perform pre- and post-shift check-ups, and provide first aid, and other medical assistance to employees. All respective employees undergo annual medical check-ups prescribed by the domestic law before starting the work. In accordance with domestic labour legislation the Group insures all its employees against work-related accidents and occupational diseases.

Health protection

Emergency preparedness

All En+ Group facilities are fully prepared to respond to a range of emergencies caused by either natural disasters or technological activities. In accordance with the respective legislation requirements, the Action Plans for the Localisation and Liquidation of the Consequences of Accidents are developed and annually updated at all facilities. Regular theoretical and practical trainings, and emergency drills, including those with local state emergency response teams, are regularly conducted at all En+ Group facilities. The Group performs in-depth analyses of the results of the practice drills in order to safeguard employees’ health and life in case of emergency.

Emergency preparedness

Contractor health and safety management

En+ Group understands that engaging contractors in the H&S processes and in OHSMS is crucial to provide an overall high level of safety, especially given that some recordable cases of injuries involve contractors’ employees. En+ Group is committed to working only with approved and robust contractors who meet all respective legislative requirements and hold all necessary licenses, certificates, and work permits. Every contractor receives an onboarding safety briefing where they are additionally introduced to the corporate safety requirements, potential risks and exposures, required PPE and discuss other aspects of the job as well as task specific training on an as-needed basis. 

Contractor health and safety management

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