
En+ Group is also one of the largest employers in Russia as well as in other countries where the Group operates large industrial complexes, including Jamaica, Ireland and Guinea. The Company currently employs с.90,000 people across two business segments on five continents.

Goals and commitment:

·         Comply with all requirements of labor laws and the terms of employment contracts, respect personal freedom and human rights, provide everyone with equal opportunities and non-discrimination in the world of work, and not use child labor.

·         To promote and maintain diversity, create conditions for effective performance and provide equal opportunities for all of the Group’s employees

·         To support the principles reflected in the Human Rights Policy.

Corporate Code of Ethics

Diversity and equal opportunities policy

Policy on Human Rights

Key figures for 2023

  • 85%

    of employees were covered by collective bargaining agreements

  • 28,4%

    is the proportion of women in total headcount

  • 772

    employees with disabilities worked in the Group

Key programmes

Diversity and equal opportunities

Creating equal opportunities for all employees and job seekers is an important tool for achieving the Group's strategic objectives and sustainable development goals. The Group provides equal opportunities in the process of hiring, remuneration, job evaluation and training. We strive to create a favourable working atmosphere in which every employee would feel accepted, respected and heard.

The Group does not allow discrimination on the following grounds:

·         age

·         disability

·         gender or gender identity

·         sexual orientation

·         ethnicity and nationality

·         religion and beliefs

·         marital status

·         pregnancy and motherhood

·         or other signs protected by law.

Diversity and equal opportunities

Personnel training and development

En+ Group strives to attract and retain the best talents, improve their professional skills and provide them with training tools and programmes. We offer various types of training programmes and courses, including mandatory programmes provided for by the legislation of the countries where the Company operates.

The Group actively develops and improves the system of personnel training, talent pool training, and interacting with educational institutions. We have all the conditions for developing the potential and improving the skills of an employee of any grade.

Personnel training and development

Human rights

Respect for human rights is a fundamental value for En+ Group in ensuring its sustainable development. It is important for us to ensure safe and non-discriminatory working conditions, as well as to support the well-being of our employees.

The Group exercises due diligence and prevention of the violation of human rights and freedoms, sexual harassment as well as discrimination based on nationality, ethnicity, gender, religious beliefs, or sexual orientation.

The Company complies with the national and international laws and the industry standards related to working time, non-working days and annual paid leaves.

The Company assesses human rights risks within its risk management system. Based on the data obtained, comprehensive checks and procedures are carried out with respect to human rights in the regions of the Company's activities.


Human rights

Social protection programme

En+ Group operates a large-scale social security system designed to meet the interests of employees. En+ Group fully provides all the guarantees and benefits established by law to its personnel. All the employees of the Group, regardless of the form of employment, have equal rights to social benefits.

Key social benefits for employees:

•             pension benefits

•             medical support

•             sports activities

•             financial aid

•             sanatorium and resort voucher provision

•             programmes for children

•             provision of meals

•             housing programme

•             preferential mortgage programme

•             meal allowance

•             retriee support

•             dobroservice advisory support line

Social protection programme

Social partnership

The system of social partnership in En+ Group is focused on observance and respect for the rights and interests of employees within social and labour relations. To accomplish it, trade unions have been formed in business units to ensure a dialogue between the management and the employees.

Most of our employees are permanent members of trade unions and the Company is in close contact with them. Dialogue with employees helps the Group's management learn about topical issues that arise in daily activities and find an appropriate solution to any revealed problem as quickly as possible.

Social partnership

Support local communities

We support candidates from local communities with a particular focus on respect for the rights of indigenous people. The Company strives to hire staff from among local residents. We strictly adhere to the approach at our enterprises, according to which we give preference to the local population, and only if there are no people with the necessary knowledge and skills in the local labour market, then we attract candidates from other regions. This practice has been implemented at all levels of the Group's activities.

Support local communities

En+ programmes


Investing in Local Communities

The Group invests in communities in all its regions of presence, including those outside Russia.


School of Ecologists

The Department of Ecological and Climate Risks suggested that the Corporate Training and Research Centre of EuroSibEnergo takes on the training of future En+ ecologists.


Law school at Baikal

We focus on Baikal’s ecosystem protection by supporting scientific research and implementing support measures, conducting volunteer initiatives and educational programmes to promote responsible environmental management. I



Multi-Lab, a centre for learning, development and communication, as well as a unique multimedia platform, opened its doors in autumn of 2022, in time for the start of the school year. 


Sports and healthy lifestyle support

Sports grounds are being opened at the Company's enterprises, competitions are being held and new areas of activity are being developed.


Youth councils

Youth councils are a further form of employee association within the Company.


Work councils

En+ companies have established collective work councils.


Women's councils

Women's councils have been set up and operate at RUSAL and at the En+’s Krasnoyarsk HPP.


Dobroservice advisory support line

From 2022 the Company cooperates with the Dobroservice employee support centre.


Preferential mortgage lending

In 2020, En+ launched the Preferential mortgage lending programme, which covers employees of the Power segment


Opportunities for employee’s development

The EuroSibEnergo Corporate University is the coordinator of training and development of personnel at all levels of the En+ Power segment, including a built–up network of cooperation with schools, colleges and universities. 


«Get on Your Skis!» Programme

Since 2016, we have been running the ‘Get on Your Skis!’ project in the Irkutsk and Kemerovo Regions, the Krasnoyarsk Territory, and the republics of Komi and Khakassia. 


Maintaining the Health of Employees

Across four facilities, in 2021, RUSAL Medical Centre LLC carried out work focused on comprehensive medical care, which included the work of health centres equipped with modern equipment for emergency care, pre-shift medical examinations, vaccinations and physiotherapy treatment.

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