Novo-Ziminskaya CHP
542 ktpa
total capacity and utilisation rate, 99%
539 kt
production level
SAZ comprises four potlines and one casthouse; it is an industrial scale facility that tests state-of-the-art RA-500 electrolysis cells (the Group’s proprietary technology) and uses baked anode technology. SAZ is Russia’s largest aluminium alloy producer, producing a total 375 kt of alloys (70% of its total output).
The company has been successfully operating the super powerful RA-550 reduction cells that were initially commissioned at the experimental industrial shop of Sayanogorsk Aluminium Smelter. The new reduction cells have proved capable of delivering the highest level of efficiency and environmental performance in the world.
In 2018, a project designed to increase power supply reliability titled, Dividing the Needs of Sayanogorsk Aluminium Smelter, was completed. A positive expert opinion was received and a tender procedure was commenced to purchase the required equipment. Equipment purchase, construction, and assembly works are planned for 2019. Under the project in 2018, RUSAL Sayanogorsk opened pilot areas for upgrading the network infrastructure, developing a system for technical record-keeping and telemetry of power facilities, and implementing a modern MES-system replacing existing processes with automated working stations.
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